Collect Income Eligibility Forms for Provider's Own Children

Federal regulations stipulate that providers who claim their own children in a Tier 1 home must complete an income eligibility form. You can collect this information from providers via eForms in KidKare. To do so, set the Collect Income Eligibility Forms for own Children in Tier 1 Homes slider on the Settings page to Yes. For more information, see Update eForms Settings in KidKare.

There are two ways to track a provider's income eligibility to claim their own children:

  • At the Provider Level: This refers to the dates set in the Income Eligibility Start Date and End Date boxes in the Provider Information Tiering tab.
  • At the Child Level: This refers to the dates set in the Tier 1 Start Date and Tier 1 End Date boxes in the Child Information Rules tab.

If you decide to track income eligibility for providers' own children with eForms, you will be tracking at the child level. In this case, you may also need to adjust preference K.004 in Minute Menu HX for claims to process correctly.

  1. Click the Administration menu and select Sponsor Preferences. The Sponsor Preferences window opens.
  2. Use the Select the Category to Move To drop-down menu and select Child Info.
  3. Check preference K.004. If this preference is already set to Disallow, you do not need to make additional changes at this time. If it is not, we recommend making one of the changes below:
    • Set the preference to Disallow. Then, enter all income start and end dates listed in the Provider Information Tiering tab in the Tier 1 Start Date and Tier 1 End Date boxes in the Child Information Rules tab.
    • Set the preference to Ignore. When income eligibility forms are approved in eForms, you can also update the provider income dates in HX at the same time. This will allow you to continue tracking a provider's income eligibility to claim their own children at the provider level.
    • Leave the preference set to Ignore, for now. Manually update the provider's income eligibility dates, as stated above. Then, once you collect the first set of income dates at the child level from eForms, set this preference to Disallow.